November 27th, 2009 at 02:19 am
I will be singing in the talent show at work on Dec 9. I think that is why they are keeping me at work ..... cheap talent 
I have a new boss now, who is in the U.S. Life promises to be interesting with virtual reporting.
Meanwhile I have decided to keep going with selling Avon. It is fun and I hope to gradually increase the number of customers.
BA, in case you are reading this, one of the top ten Avon sales people in my district is a man. Just a thought 
Thanks for the support and prayers, everyone.
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Active Mind & Body
November 21st, 2009 at 05:24 am
I would love some ideas on what to get my six year old DD for Xmas. She is our only child. She already has a kitchen centre and a Disney Princess vanity table.
I have gotten the small gifts already, e.g. books, kids jewelry, lip gloss, etc. I don't know what to get as her big gift. Any ideas?
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Active Mind & Body
November 19th, 2009 at 11:42 am
My boss is dropping some major hints that, not only will I have a job after restructuring, but it will be a challenging new (to me) role.
Can it be?
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Continuous Learning
November 16th, 2009 at 12:48 pm
A month ago I started selling Avon. I have 10 customers already. My goal is to get a minimum of 50. The average sale is around $25, so if I sell to 20 people every campaign, which is every two weeks, I would make 40% of $500, so $200. Making an extra $400/month with me as the boss is not too shabby.
The best thing is that this new activity and connecting with other women on a level I never have before, has helped me from going bonkers while waiting to hear about my work situation. My work level was told we have to wait until early Dec to find out who will be let go under the new structure.
Back to Avon, I plan to retire from the Rat Race in 10 years when I turn 55. Avon is one of the things I would like to continue doing post-retirement.
Meanwhile, I look forward to getting more training to learn how to help my customers with makeup and other beauty questions.
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Active Mind & Body
November 4th, 2009 at 10:33 am
Tomorrow I find out if I will be let go from my job. All other depts have been told and ours of 70 people will be told tomorrow. I don't feel too optimistic.
Approx. 100 out of 800 people have been given their walking papers so far. It has been a very difficult time and I don't know how bad it will be for us tomorrow.
My family has 6 months of savings so we'll be ok, but it is a hurtful thing to think you'll be let go. My mind is totally stressed out!!
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Saving Money