September 18th, 2010 at 12:54 pm
My new role at work comes with a 2.5% pay raise. I didn't expect it, but I like it!
My automatic savings for the last quarter have helped me put away enough to pay for Term 1 of my course up front. So I'm ok until I can get reimbursement from my employer.
If I keep going this way, I'll also have enough by Dec to pay for the 2nd term.
I'm not sure why this year is going so much better but I'll take it 
After the program ends in June 2011, I no longer have to worry about putting aside the $6k every year it. I'll be able to put that amount away.
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Continuous Learning
September 10th, 2010 at 08:25 am
Being from Canada, eh, I don't have to worry about health insurance but I did often think I should get some type of life insurance for DD.
Yesterday she came home from school with umpteen forms to sign. Emergency contact information... that kind of thing. One of the forms was from an insurance company saying that we could insure our child for one full year for death, disability, etc.
It's only $26.50 per year.
Susie Orman says that with the death or illness of a child, you might not be able to cope with going back to work in a hurry. That's the only reason she would recommend life ins. for a child.
I sent it in.
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Saving Money